Merry Christmas To You All!
Well, well, well, where has the last couple of months gone? There has been so much happening here at Hele Valley, its hard to know where to begin! Halloween Our End of Season Halloween Party was an absolute scream. Everybody had such a fantastic time. This year we had a couple of surprise acts, one being the Hele Valley Dance Troop performing to Michael Jackson's, Thriller, the applause after was amazing and made all the rehearsing very worth while. Our other act was Simon the Magician, who went around the tables successfully hypnotising the guests, everybody was amazed. It is going to be a difficult job to top that next year, but we all have our thinking caps on already! Hats off to Steve, Neil and Izzy as the Fireworks were spectacular, everybody said they were the best ones we had ever done. We held various competitions over Halloween week, The Campbells from B5 were very keen to participate and csooped up a lot of prizes, includin...